Friday, June 12, 2009

When It's Cooking, It's Cooking.

So happy there are so many production opportunities coming up. At least ones that I feel. Assignments, contests, and video production jobs always come up, but I can't really seem to work on them unless I'm feeling it. This new Old Spice assignment over at Poptent totally hit me, and I had a ton of ideas. First off, they already have a great campaign, with ads featuring Bruce Campbell and Neil Patrick Harris, as well as having a solid comedic tone overall, I knew which way to take this project.

The ad I wrote was actually about 60 seconds long. I assumed when I got into post, I could work the magic and cut it down to the required 30 seconds. No such magic. Sometimes the editing just can't help the script. But I was able to cut together a different kind of commercial using the footage, and use the rest of the script (along with other ideas) to make a couple more ads. I really feel this assignment and hope it ends up paying well, but as always with any assignment or contest, it's about the fun first. If I didn't get an idea that I knew I would enjoy making, then the ideas wouldn't be worth doing. Plus it all adds on to the old portfolio, which will do nothing but help any shot at raising money for the feature film.

Here's the final ad entitled Residue Evil: Part 1 "Happenings". I wanted Brandon to play it like something was haunting him, in this case a generic deodorant the causes white clumps of residue.

This is titled Part 1 because I hope to have a Part 2 and 3 to this Residue Evil saga, basically paying homage to different genre's of Horror films. In this case this is very much a haunting. Wish we would have added in a few more supernatural type moments (Deodorant Floating, Deodorant spelling out DIE on a mirror), but overall I think it's alright. Getting good feedback so far, and in the end I just want to make you laugh, if not chuckle, while learning about the product, which I must say is pretty nifty.

Also got another video opportunity that I'm very excited about, because this one immediately gave me an idea that I'm very excited about doing. Definitely one I hope I can pull off the way I see it in my head. Again, so happy I'm getting assignments that I'm feeling creative wise.

Of course all this dealys Monster Cops for a few weeks, but it's cool. I need to let this episode sit for a while, the script I wrote for it wasn't sitting right with me, and this'll give me sometime to sort it out, as well as possibly get some new gear and guns, and get that giant monster up and ready for it.

Tomorrow, more work on HHM, the new project, work on details for Residue Evil part 2 and 3, work on the feature film. Somewhere in there there is working out and cleaning the house.

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