Friday, October 16, 2020

be grateful

 be grateful

 whatever you got going on today

 even if it's annoying, gotta go to work ?

 got laundry, dishes to do?

 be grateful you have the ability to do so. 

I miss washing my hands  , I haven't been able to sit in a chair properly or wash one hand with the other for close to three years.

 certain things you def don't think about til after you lose it. like something as simple as sitting in a chair  you don't realize how your body does certain things automatically, like when you sit in a chair, your legs automatically adjust to lower you down into the seat, I don't have that function, so sitting in a chair us basically me trying to guesstimate how I can fall safely into the chair, and that chair must be secure and heavy enough to not fall over. cuz I could easily just knock it over and fall on the floor

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