Monday, October 12, 2020

balance is perception

 balance has been a major theme on this journey through being hemiplegic

 been half paralyzed now for almost three years

 walking on a tight rope is literaly what it feels like for me to get up and go to the bathroom or anywhere in the house. about 3 years of this. builds up a certain amount of confidence and courage, I certainly have a different perspective on everyday physics and body function plenty of distressing situations where I think I could use help, buliteraly what it feels like for me to get up and go to the bathroom or anywhere in the house. about 3 years of this. builds up a certain amount of confidence and courage, I certainly have a different perspective on everyday physics and body function plenty of distressing situations where I think I could use help, but find that there's no one coming to help, learn to save yourself I've gotten pretty good at that.

one of the lessons I learned from martial arts that has really helped on this journey is the idea that balance is perception. if you can perceive you have balance you'll find that you do.

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