Saturday, July 5, 2008

I've seen the lights go out on Broadway

Part of putting together a puzzle. solving a riddle, or finding the solution to a problem is the waiting. The patience required to carefully put things together as to achieve the final picture. Waiting, patience, stopping to really look at the possible picture. It's an art form I still haven't fully gotten a hold of, mainly when it comes to editing.

Writing is a little easier. I've learned to write and then walk away. Stories may pour from your pen like butter, but there are those times where you reach that supposed block, and you need to leave it alone for a bit. When it comes to writing I've gotten use to it. But the visual aspect of editing is a little different. Especially when you've got your basic movie sitting on the timeline. You've basically got the whole thing right in front of you. You can watch the majority of it, its those little bits and pieces you haven't put in yet that form the blank spaces.

And those blank spaces are a pain in the ass. But a necessary pain. I edit fast. I can cut together what I need in an hour. So part of me really takes it hard when I reach a point where I have to stop and walk away for a bit. Just like writing, you have to reach a point where you put your tools down and let it sit for a while. It's the difference between telling a story and making crap.

I can almost guarantee you it's how alot of crap movies are made. The editors are urged to move fast to reach that screening date, and what was a swift process is now a rushed process. Swift is different from rushed. Swift means you're at a pace, productive, yet still effective, and still in control. Rushed means you lose control, you lose being effective and productive, and soon its just a race to throw things together.

We're trying to tell a story here. And you can't rush the story. A story is told not spit out. It's crap that comes out fast, and there's puh-lenty of fast crap out there. If you look to how the masters did it, they took their time. Moving swiftly only when it was needed. Taking each step that was necessary at their own pace, they would reach their destination just as quickly as those rushing to the same place, but with less energy spent on hustling and more energy spent on enjoying the walk.

Me? I'm just trying not to make crap.

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