Monday, November 18, 2019

patrick'sguide to learning how to sing again after suffering brain damage

i suffered a stroke which left me paralyzed on my left side. it gave me damage on the right side of my brain which also affected my ability to sing. which I used to do well before, now II realize that it doesn't come so easy. so these are the steps I'm taking to helpretrain my brain. to sing again.

1.  listen to familiar songs often especially songs that I kused to know cold and knew I could sing well.
2. if necessary start with just listening first

3. move on to  singing in your head.

4. don't beat yourself up if you try to sing and you're off key or if you continue to stumble.

5. try lip syncing first work on just mouthing te words and feeling the music. get your brain remembering how you use to do it.

6. start with one song first.. just concentrate on one song.  listen to it constantly, let it play in the background, play it while you sleep.

7. hum the song and work on staying on key before moving on to actually trying to sing.
8. once you feel more comfortable and confident try singing for real along with the song,

9. once you feel successful in singing that song try these steps with other songs til you feel like you've got your vocal legs back.


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