Saturday, May 25, 2019

Problem solving is an art

I had spent the past few years trying to understand the art of problem solving a real necessity when you're working in the escape room industry. When i first started working at in escape room i quickly understood the connection between my skill set and the escape room industry immediately realized how well-suited i was for this industry how was initially hired as a game master just to host the games but then i started designing my own games and i got into the signing the puzzles my background in theater in prop designs special effects design and magic and illusion was something i knew that i could apply to escape room design with great success this is how i can surely and get up opening my own company and with magic box i was hired to design and build whole rooms and entire game play as well as specific props utilizing everything i knew about magic and illusion engineering as well as prop  creation. I started to understand problem solving on a completely different level that's what happens when you not only solve problems over and over but also when you have to design problems for other people to solve in my current predicament every day since waking up from my coma dealing with being half paralyzed has been about daily problem solving something that i understand to me to be a very particular skill set but i feel like i have excelled at. I thought to myself . How somewhat perfect this particular disability that i have is for me especially understanding problem solving and how the greatest of setbacks can only make you stronger i realize that that's what all this is about going through this journey has been particularly inspiring on so many levels and has really pushed my education of problem-solving and creation to another level something that i realize is necessary for me to really reach this higher level i've been trying to achieve for a few years now i actually thought the other day while i was trying to understand how best to accomplished something simple which is what i do everyday since walking isn't as easy as it was before and simple things like reaching across the table to grab something is more difficult because you don't realize that although i have my right side functioning properly it only takes my one good arm and hand to grab something but if something is pretty clearly further away i run the risk of toppling over in my chair as my balance is not quite the same when it's just half your body that's functioning you don't think about how your body automatically corrects your positioning if your body senses you're off balance leaning toward your right your left leg may stretch out to give you more leverage and it does it automatically but when you don't have that functionyou begin to realize how easy it is for you to topple over if you are not careful.For someone with normal function if there's something you need  that's across the room you can just get up walk over there grab it and walk back that's not so easy when any part of you is paralyzed so it becomes about figuring out what you can do with what you have got solving problem with what you have. Again a skill set that i feel that i have excelled at . I actually thought to myself about other people who have had my same experience being half paralyzed and i actually thought how do those people make it without being me as i begin to see how i actually have the perfect set of experiences and skill sets to deal with this particular supposed disability.from that perspective all this journey is as a way to strengthen me to get to that higher level i've been aiming at.the negatives are there was that hold me almost dying that which i don't recommend to everyone but i'm not dead i'm very much alive and i know i will not be paralyzed forever i will continue to work and improve and once i get back to full function i will have a brand new stronger perspective to help propel me to my greater goals.

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