Tuesday, April 9, 2019

post stroke recovery update

physical therapy with my therapist still happens every sunday morning and wednesday evening that mainly consists of stimulating massage and stretching my left side in order to continually make sure those joints still maintain flexibility as far as diet i do make sure i take multivitaminsi keep up with consuming omega-3 fish oils vitamin c and serpentina before every meal my therapist always suggest that when bathing i always try to use hot water everytime i do babe i wonder if there's anything specific about the water here that may be attributed to my healing in general i do believe that environment is important for anybody is healthy well being the people you interact with the air you breathe the water that you bathe with and the water that may be used that you consume weather by drinking it or through the foods that are cooked with it no real drastic improvements i still maintain self therapy working on repetitions of squats to get my left leg tube and trying to get that function back so i can then that left me and point downward with my left foot which i'm not able to do yet but if repetition is a key then i am confident that i will get there i feel like repetition has been hoping in increased strength in my left arm i am able to extend it a little better day by day not fully to the point where i can extend it easily like i can with my right arm and left fingers not really able to grasp yet still working on opening and closing them closing them seems easier to do along with whistling my left arm i suppose any progress is good progress trying to maintain a healthy social media environment and overall a healthy internet diet most likely going to be clearing out my facebook friends list i already do a pretty good job of only following the things that interest me or please me or feed my mental health properly on facebook twitter and instagram i do believe that you become what you think of often so you need to maintain a healthy diet a what you feed your brain thanks to youtube i do play healing frequencies and healing music most nights when i go to sleep not sure if it's doing anything but staying hopeful because of it can only help.

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