The idea behind the Monster Cops movies is simple. Take a mockumentary look into the lives of monster killers. So basically Cops vs. Monsters. Of course it would have that comedy twist, so really it's more like Reno 911 vs. Monsters. With THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL I feel we accomplished the mockumentary type comedy. As far as the monster portion, I feel we did ok. We didn't reach the full potential of what I had in mind. This is something I fully plan on remedying for the next feature for sure.
The monsters I have in mind are the usual, Zombies, Vampires, and Werewolves. But my stipulation is that they look scary and real. I mean something that would actually scare you or gross you out if you saw it live. A motto I plan on sticking closely too is, if it looks fake live then it'll look fake on camera. Since much of what we are going to shoot is going to stick closely to reality TV/cinema verite, then I want what the camera sees to look as realistic as possible. I don't want you for one second to look at a zombie and think some guy in stage make up. I don't want you for one second to to look at a Vampire and think that the plastic fangs are about to fall out, (unfortunately some of our scenes look that way to me in TMS). And when you see the Werewolf footage, I want you think that we may actually have gotten a large beast like creature of some kind.
Monster Cops is a comedy with realistic scares. At least that's what it should be. The comedy comes from us, the cops. The monsters will remain scary. In other words, you will never see a wise cracking zombie or tap dancing Werewolf. Part of my vision for the franchise is to feature amazing monster footage with decent thrills. Suffice it to say we've got alot of work to do for the next movie, and much money to raise. But I am confident. Until then I'll keep looking for sources of inspiration. Many of these sources come in the form of Online Video.
I am blown away by the videos I've seen of the WALKING WITH DINOSAURS LIVE EXPERIENCE. This is definitely a show I want to see desperately. The following videos give you a glimpse inside this amazing show. My jaw dropped when I saw the brilliant work these people have put into these live action dinosaurs. I'm personally in awe because these are excellent examples of the kind of "monster fx" I'm looking to inspire the next Monster Cops feature. Especially the Velociraptors. The way they move is the way I would love to see a Werewolf or Demon move in the next movie, especially when we shoot it the way we're going to shoot it.
EDIT: What I thought were Velociraptors are actually the Baby T-Rex and the LILIENSTERNUS. Still amazing though.
Walking With Dinosaurs Workshop
Walking with Dinosaurs, The live experience '07 in Brisbane
Walking With Dinosaurs Live Experience. Check out the official site. Lord knows I'll be checking up on those US Tour Dates.
The next video is an example of animatronic dinos sans inside operator. I think.
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan
Disney animatronics, as seen on the Travel Channel. I actually have the full program recorded. I watch it often.
And more videos on more Horror/Halloween based fx/animatronics. The Pumpkin and Rock monsters are creatures I'd consider using in Monster Cops plotlines. If we could make it work realistically.
Pumpkin Monster Animatronics at Transworld Halloween Trade Show
Rock Monster Animatronics at Transworld
The following costume by Gore Galore is amazing. I'm definitely considering contacting them to help with costuming.
Freakenstein by Gore Galore
This costume was made for a LARP gig. Amazing work.
Stone Golem
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